Men and women are so different that it is really amazing that we can get anything done together, or that we can reach agreement on any single issue. I frequently find myself in agreement with female friends, but in reviewing the debate I find that I was really thinking more like a woman than a man. To have the same discussion with a male friend, and to hold my same views results in him saying that he can’t agree with me.
And so it is in the work place. Men approach working with women completely differently than women approach the subject of working with men. (Is that the sound of giggling from women readers I hear?) I know from my own experience, of course, and I have asked women friends to help me from their own perspective.
Humans are only a small part of God’s creatures, and like all the others we are programmed to penetrate to procreate. A man reacts to visual stimuli. When a woman comes into view she will either attract us by her looks, and by the way she moves and smells, or she will leave us cold. As a rule a woman will attract a lot more men than she could possibly care about, and then it is up to her to apply her own criteria to the field to arrive at a short-list. Most women can eventually eliminate all but one, or two.
Men, on the other hand think like the lion. Monogamy is simply not in his makeup. We are supposed to react to the stimuli that turns us on and follow our instincts. Some men love the larger woman simply for her size. If she is also good in other crucial areas, like the kitchen and the bedroom, then Bingo! Other men are drawn to the thin lady, or the medium sized lady. Larger sized breasts, being as they are so visible attract perhaps the majority of men, but it is quite astounding how little time we spend on appreciating our lady’s ample chest in the course of lovemaking.
In the work place the interaction between the sexes is a challenge that needs careful management. Men, it is said think about sex about every six seconds, and each episode last for about, well, er, six seconds. When you are working with a lady co-worker every day, you notice things. You notice what she chooses to wear, and if she is mindful to wear neutral clothing for your benefit then your imagination goes to work overtime. You notice how her blouse moves to and fro across her chest. If she wears slacks you notice that she wears a thong or more conventional under wear. You notice how the cheeks of her derriere move so differently than those of men. It’s as though they have a special hinge. And what about those curves! Wow!
And then, there’s the way she smells. Oh, that perfume that is so subtle yet so powerful. Everyday she seems to mysteriously grow more beautiful. Her facial features come into sharper focus. You notice specifically that in reality her eyes alone are not particularly attractive, nor for that matter is her nose; but put together eyes nose and mouth, topped by a glorious crown of hair and the effect is stunning.
All this is going on while you are supposed to be concentrating on your work. The company could be going down the tubes but all you can focus on is her. Well, you are going to look and admire, because this is only natural. True, the workplace is an easy arena to meet a social partner, but the danger is that of mixing business with pleasure. There is the problem of bringing your social troubles to work that leads to at least one of you having to find another job.
So, the moral of the story is that of course you can look, but you also need to concentrate on your work, and above all else show respect to the women you work with, just as you respect your fellow male workers. The workplace is not a social club.
Bill Cosby, the great American comedian once said that God first made Adam, then decided he needed a partner. God then spent entirely too much time playing around with the plastecine making a suitable model for a female. Satisfied , He then ran off the first real thing, stood back and surveyed His work and exclaimed: “Whoa! Man!” And woman got her name.
Tell me about your work related experiences with women. E-mail me at mailto:Eugene.spain@g.mail.com
Let’s get networking guys!
Copyright © 2006-2007 Eugene Carmichael
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