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Friday, January 26, 2007

Men Under Assault

Today's man is a very confused person, and he has a right to be. Once upon a time he had it all his way. He was the master in commerce, politics, and in the home. He was undisputed lord and master. It was a man's world.

But, the times they are a-changing, and along with the changes men are going through a confusing, painful, and if we are truthful, a terrifying period of adjustment. We don't do adjustment well at all. We don't understand it when things change. We like having it like our dads had it. We like being in charge. We're comfortable with that role because it defined us and made us men. We fought great battles when other men sought to encroach on our territory, or when they came too close and familiar with "our" women.

If our forefathers had thought it through they would have realized that women were not going to put up with their lot forever. They would have seen that one day women would get their act together and that we, their sons would be left holding the bag to pay for their sins. They probably did think that way and concluded that if we couldn't take a joke, we should not have joined.

Men may not have the change lobe, but women have a double helping, ours and theirs. Sometimes it goes by another name, the "shopping lobe". A woman, by her very nature needs change. It is how she grows. She is ever restless and when she goes into one of her change phases all sorts of things get thrown out. That's when the men in their lives have to keep a low profile.

When women confront problems they network, an art form that they learn while still in the womb. They hear their mothers having long, heartfelt conversations with other women, and when they are born they ask their mothers, "who were all those people you had those personal conversations with. Their mothers explain the A-B-C-s of networking and another female is ready to do business. That's the way its been down throughout the ages, and so it continues.

Men, my brothers, it's time we learned how to do this with our personal problems. We are very expert at it with our business problems, so we know that it works. We need two things to make life easier in this regard, and they are, (1) we need to know that it is a sign of strength, not weakness to share the problem so that the solution comes easier, and, (2) we need a neutral and anonymous meeting place in which to conduct these discussions. This is the Lifestyle Meeting Place, and we're raring to go.

Join right in and let me know if there is a topic you would like me to place on the table for discussion. You may e-mail me at I would be delighted to hear from you.

Copyright (c) 2007 - Eugene Carmichael