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Sunday, January 28, 2007

In these modern times, Do Women need men? Why?

This is the hot-button topic of the times. So let's get straight to our greatest concern: Lesbianism! They are all out of the closet and they are proud. "We are who we are, and we're not shrinking from it. Get over it!" they say defiantly. Maybe there have always been as many women around who love women, they just have not been so obvious. There is nothing else that will so quickly bring tears to the eyes of a man as being attracted to the finest, most beautiful woman he has ever seen, only to realize that she is attracted to another woman as fine as she. If she had eyes for another man that would mean competition. That we can do, but another woman and we're dead in the water.

Any man who has seen footage of two women at play knows how complete they are without us. Our sense of rejection is so totally complete and depressing. Really, we are being irrational. There is nothing to say that if both ladies were heterosexual that we as individuals would have stood a chance. It's just that it is so final when you see it like this.

We are hunter/gathers. We protect and provide. We are men. In today's world, because of economic pressures, both partners have to share those roles out of necessity. It follows that if women are to help us with our traditional roles, we surely must help out in the home. The modern enlightened man doesn't wait to be asked. Real men do whatever is necessary to best serve our family. When I'm home I usually have the time to do the shopping and other household chores. My wife usually doesn't because of her work, so what would be my excuse? I can't think of one either, so I just do it! No Big Deal!

Women in the professions earn significant salaries and are quite independent. Sometimes their earning power eclipses that of their male partner, and that can lead to all sorts of problems. With their wealth generation they can hire us guys to do the things that their husbands might have got around to doing one day. One more thing: women are always more in a commanding position to find a lover than a man.

It used to be that "nice" women did not go out to bars to meet people. The merits of that might be debatable, but now, because of the internet they don't have to.

Depressed yet? Cheer up, there's a very positive side to all this. We are probably seeing more of women who love women, but they have always been among us, we just didn't know. The good news is that for those women who do need men in their lives, the independent ones keep us because they truly do love us for who we are. They need us because we are cuddly, warm and loving. The bad side of that is that we have to work harder to earn our place in their lives by avoiding taking them for granted. It really is better to know that we are wanted because of the human being that we are, and not because we are an ATM cashpoint machine. Don't you think?

Got an man/woman issue you want us to discuss? E-mail me at
Let's network guys!

Copyright (c) 2007 - Eugene Carmichael