Well, now I seem to have gone and put my foot right in it up to the thigh. In the first part of this thread several of you thought that I was making fun of the way that you present yourselves in your Personal Adverts. Busted! I was sort of doing just that because everyone seems to be saying the same subjective things about themselves, and no one has any flaws or blemishes whatsoever. Can that be right?
I repeat that I support the medium of turning a lonely existence into one where two people find companionship and even love. However, the system is open to abuse and the scammers are all around, so one has to be on guard and use common sense. Take things slowly, and one step at a time. A lot of criteria should be met before taking the brakes off.
There are a lot of people who are genuine lonely hearts looking for long-term, preferably permanent relationships. The amazing thing is that often the ideal person that you may be looking for might live just a few doors along from you. This is one way of finding each other.
My criticism is directed towards the presentation of the information about the advertising person. Maybe it’s the fault of the service that restricts the number of words that can be used to describe yourself. I have been challenged to write a better personal advert since I have dared be a critic.
I’m not personally looking for a mate on the Internet, but if I were here’s some of what I hope you would tell me. In this case I’m going to put myself in the place of Maria who is looking for a friend.
“ Hello, my name is Maria. I am 48 years of age, divorced with two lovely daughters who are so precious and intelligent, ages 13, and 16. Unfortunately things went sour between their father and I, but we maintain a cordial and respectful relationship as we have the common interest of our daughters. However, he has moved on with his life, and he now supports my efforts in doing the same.
“I enjoy my career as a graphic artist with a national magazine, and that, together with caring for my daughters gives me almost all the fulfilment I need. Missing from my life is a good friend to share those special moments that turn the good into great.
“I live in downtown Valencia which I enjoy for the convenience of the theatre, cinema, good restaurants and concerts. We also take full advantage of the outdoors in the park and the beach.
“ I am not afraid to try new things. Some are quite tame I suppose, such as riding bicycles with my daughters, but if you could see how uncoordinated I am on two wheels you would have to laugh. At least I am out of the house and doing something to get fit and stay fit. I have also taken up walking in the country through the excellent Senderismo program offered by the city of Valencia. My girls and I have come to regard this as an essential interest, and although it still hurts after a full day’s exercise I do feel good.
“I am not without friends, as I enjoy a wide circle of really good social support, but I am looking outside that group for one special person. That person could be you, but I would first value your respect for me as a person, never to be taken for granted. I would value in you sensitivity and maturity, kindness and the highest regard for my daughters. You would not be asked to assume the role of their father as he discharges those duties in a most loving way.
“You also would not be asked to move in with us as I believe that might place undue stress on what is a delicate balance. My daughters have the encouragement of my ex-husband to help me settle my personal life again, so that’s not the problem. But there’s no pressure to go to that level right away.
“ I am also not a smoker, I enjoy alcohol, mostly wine at dinner in modest quantities, and I strongly disapprove of recreational drugs. It is essential that the people I associate with share those views.
So! If you are looking, you now have a pretty good idea of who Maria is and whether you have anything to offer her. If she only said that she was friendly, liked to go out, liked the movies, etc, so what? Most people do. What do you think? Does this work any better?
On the whole, women do a much better job of introducing themselves to the world. Men need a lot of help, so I shall have a go of presenting a good profile of a man next week. Its all about marketing, you see.
Copyright © 2007 Eugene Carmichael