From Randy R. Essex, England
That's a good question. I don't think they do need men for anything other than a convenient meal ticket and as a handy cash machine. I'm very cynical I know, but my own experience is not good.
It seems to me that far too many women put much too much emphasis on whether the bloke has money or not. If you're a rich old man you could have babes hanging off you by the dozens, trying to get next to you with offers of sex until you gag. If you're stupid enough to marry them, then the sex stops and you become simply a dirty old man. Then the struggle to break away, taking as much of your wealth with them as they can takes place in earnest.
There is a name for people like this and the profession that they represent, and that name has been with us since time began.
From Dave C. Costa Calida, Spain
I think that women, the vast majority anyway, still do need men in a genuine sense, and they always will. Of course, women are individuals, and there are probably as many variations of answers as those you might care to ask. Not every woman can be a super achiever who is financially secure and thinks she has no personal need of anyone. It therefore follows that of the remainder, there will be those who prefer to attain an independent status, but who still need a man emotionally; while at the other end of the spectrum there will always be those women who simply yearn for the traditional family, complete with someone strong to take care of them.
In this, men can take heart that we as a species are not superflous to general requirements, nor are we likely to become so in the foreseeable future.
Like probably every other real man I stand in awe at the things that are happening around me. Women marrying womem! I just don't know what to make of that. Basically, I think it must be wrong and counter to what God had intended. I'm sure He is as puzzled as I am, not to mention being frustrated. He went to such great lengths to get it right in our design to make men and women a perfect fit. For instance, He placed our genitalia in the exact opposite and correct position for ease of reproduction through penetration. Then one day He looked down upon us and was amazed to see that one of us had turned around, and He wondered what are they up to.
"I wish they would stop experiementing with what I have created!", He thundered.
As for men-only marriages, this is truly a product of our brave new, and very silly world. Such couples even want to complicate matters by adopting children. Where is all this going?
I try not to get too inv0lved in other people's affairs as I have enough trouble keeping my own in order. However, I do fear for the world and the direction in which we are headed. Thankfully, I imagine I will be shuffling off soon, never to worry again.
Many thanks to Randy and Dave for your contributions. I would love to receive other thoughts on this topic. Please E-mail me at eugene.spain@gmail.com
Copyright (c) 2007 - Eugene Carmichael