WikiLeaks !!!!!!
Heaven help us! What has our world come to?
It started with Mr. Napster who seems to have thought that the creators of intellectual properties, such as song writes, singers and musicians should be happy to use their talents, and pay all that money to record albums just to donate the finished work to the rest of the world free of charge
Now comes WikiLeaks that has been finding and releasing information that really does not belong in the public domain. Proof of that has been the tepid welcome by the public that has largely ignored the information. So, as a real kick up the ass to the public, WikiLeaks has now spilled 250,000 documents, many of which are classified, and that expose the workings and thought processes of the diplomatic world for all and sundry to see.
Granted, an American service person somehow got this information and now seems to be overjoyed that the information is being streamlined to the public. This is just not funny!
We are finding out that our diplomats are human after all, but there is a reason why they present such stony faces and careful language in their negotiations when dealing with one another, but when reporting back to home office it is customary, and probably necessary to be more forthcoming over the impressions and the outcome of their meeting. Now, bloody WikiLeaks has stripped that all away. The long-term effects of what is being openly revealed cannot be even guessed at.
In the political game it may be useful to know what your opposite number thinks of you, or it may be the most hurtful nugget of information to come your way. But, what possible need have I, as an ordinary member of the public, for this information is way beyond my imagination. Sometimes a bit of information truly is a dangerous thing.
For instance: Consider for a moment that you are on a flight that lands on time, thereby allowing you to carry on with your business. Do you really need to know that during the flight something went wrong that the crew dealt with, even though it came perilously close to crashing the plane? What could you have done that was any different to the way in which you had behaved? Nothing! But, you got to where you were going without the stress of knowing what was happening?
It is not correct for world leaders to withhold vital information that society needs and can work with, but WikiLeaks, this time you have been irresponsible and have proved that you are not trustworthy.
Shut the site down forever!
Copyright © 2010 Eugene Carmichael
Heaven help us! What has our world come to?
It started with Mr. Napster who seems to have thought that the creators of intellectual properties, such as song writes, singers and musicians should be happy to use their talents, and pay all that money to record albums just to donate the finished work to the rest of the world free of charge
Now comes WikiLeaks that has been finding and releasing information that really does not belong in the public domain. Proof of that has been the tepid welcome by the public that has largely ignored the information. So, as a real kick up the ass to the public, WikiLeaks has now spilled 250,000 documents, many of which are classified, and that expose the workings and thought processes of the diplomatic world for all and sundry to see.
Granted, an American service person somehow got this information and now seems to be overjoyed that the information is being streamlined to the public. This is just not funny!
We are finding out that our diplomats are human after all, but there is a reason why they present such stony faces and careful language in their negotiations when dealing with one another, but when reporting back to home office it is customary, and probably necessary to be more forthcoming over the impressions and the outcome of their meeting. Now, bloody WikiLeaks has stripped that all away. The long-term effects of what is being openly revealed cannot be even guessed at.
In the political game it may be useful to know what your opposite number thinks of you, or it may be the most hurtful nugget of information to come your way. But, what possible need have I, as an ordinary member of the public, for this information is way beyond my imagination. Sometimes a bit of information truly is a dangerous thing.
For instance: Consider for a moment that you are on a flight that lands on time, thereby allowing you to carry on with your business. Do you really need to know that during the flight something went wrong that the crew dealt with, even though it came perilously close to crashing the plane? What could you have done that was any different to the way in which you had behaved? Nothing! But, you got to where you were going without the stress of knowing what was happening?
It is not correct for world leaders to withhold vital information that society needs and can work with, but WikiLeaks, this time you have been irresponsible and have proved that you are not trustworthy.
Shut the site down forever!
Copyright © 2010 Eugene Carmichael