Just Folks!
I intended to write this blog on the subject of sexual preference anyway, then President Barack Obama took a stand in defence of same sex partners to marry if they want to do so. He has no objections, which politically is a brilliant move, if not a little risky, as it leaves his opponent to defend the opposite,and some will say bigoted, view.
The reason I wanted to write this is because lately I have noticed a number of people coming out, without having been asked, and declaring that they are homosexual or lesbian. I thought that this was a little strange because it would not occur to me to walk up to a stranger and say that I am hetrosexual.
Now, let's be clear, it would not be the same thing because in the past people who have found themselves with a sexual preference for same sex partners have had to live in the closet for fear of what such a declaration would mean to their career and family. So, to now be able to be open is a giant step forward, and in the near future no-one will feel the need to make open statements about their sexuality, just as it would be ridiculous for me to go around saying that I am a hetrosexual. I have had to tell a few fire breathing males who wanted me to play games with them that "I was not into that sort of thing," and a few girls have told me to forget my desires for them because they didn't swing my way. Fair enough, but to be generally making it clear to all and sundry what turns one on, is really peculiar.
The subject of sexual preference is super personal, and is simply nobody's business except the participating parties. They should not care a toss about how I feel about what they are doing together, and frankly, I don't give a toss about other people's affairs. I am having quite enough to do to keep my own life on track, so I learnt a long time ago that if I leave gays and lesbians alone to make their own lives, the world just ticks along just fine. I have no stress, and I don't have to worry about the sexual preference of someone close to me.
There was a man who appeared on TV who was a passionate advocate of the traditional description of marriage between one man and one woman. The interviewer asked, but what if one of your own children should find that their sexual preference is for someone of the same sex? He finessed the question, saying that he was sure that wouldn't happen. Maybe not, but he should know if it does it will be his problem, and one of his own making.
For a long time I had only one question, and that was about same-sex couples adopting children, but we are now hearing from those children about their experiences growing up in a home with two moms or dads. Their experiences included teasing from other children about their parents, but generally they have emerged into adulthood as well-balanced young people.
So, I will continue my life with an attitude of live and let live. I'm glad that President Barack Obama has taken another bold step forward, and whether he has one or two terms he will stand in history as the most significant President in U.S. history.
Copyright (c) 2012 Eugene Carmichael