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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Be Nice Day in España

They're Off!

The date today is 6th May, 2012. This is the start of something that I think will become absolutely huge in Spain, as it is a day of concerted fundraising for charities, while at the same time promoting personal fitness in an atmosphere of sheer fun and delight.

BayRadio of Denia, have launched an effort to bring together charities from all over Spain to encourage their supporters to get ready for the summer bikini and to raise much needed capital to allow charities to continue their vital work. The economic crisis means that charities are particularly hard hit, so instead of one sponsor picking up the slack, what is needed is for many people to do a little, so that in the end we will have done a lot.

In Bermuda, such an event has been in operation  successfully, and this year, on May 5th, yesterday as I write this, they celebrated their 25th anniversary. The idea is the same, generally speaking, in that they hold an annual event that brings the whole community into action to raise a ton of money that is shared among a number of charities who have programs that will benefit in the applicable year.

For Spain, there is some new elements to get used to, such as sponsoring your friend or cousin, etc, to do the walk. The combined funds collected go to the charity of your choice, but the one obligation is that Caritas, the Catholic Church charity must receive 15% of your net funds. This was suggested by BayRadio and it is a very good idea because everyone knows Caritas, so they provide a single link throughout all of Spain.

I went out to El Verger where PEPA, the Asociación Protección y Educación para los Animales, and SCAN, the Society for the Protection of Animals combined to hold a walk. The day could not have been better for a lovely stroll and participants had the spirit, showing up dressed in costume. As a first time event they were supported by an encouraging number of walkers, and the El Verger Ayuntamiento, a beautiful and very tastefully done venue, was resplendent in the sunshine with its wonderful pool and bridge in front.

The walkers set out at 11:30am and were back by 12:30.  There were many stalls with some tempting things to buy, and one stall with two very talented people doing face paintings. When I left everybody was getting ready for lunch.

The Malima Project, for which I am treasurer did not participate in this first event because we did not learn of its existance until too late to get organised, but we will do so next year, staring on the first Sunday in Feb with a short introduction walk of only ywo kilometres so as to stretch those muscles after the winter; and we will follow in March with a three kilometre stroll. In April we will do four kilometres so that we will be ready for the five kilometres in May. We will also add a 10 kilometre walk at the same time for those who want slightly more of a challenge.

We will keep our eyes open for some idea of overall results, and we can't wait until 2013.

Copyright (c)  2012     Eugene Carmichael