This is all about the promotion of Harmony and Understanding between Men and Women.
I intend that this should be your site, a lifestyle meeting place principally for us guys to network our personal problems in an environment where we can remain anonymous, while at the same time getting the benefit of other people's opinions on what we are dealing with. More than one head can be a great help at times.
Since time began, as men we have always taken our personal problems into our caves and dealt with them on our own. We don't do that with our business problems. Those we network, and as a result we are better off because of it.
Women learn to network while still in the womb. They hear the voices outside and take it all in, and when they are born they come into the world ready to do business.
So, I hope you will join in and participate. Got a topic you would like to discuss, e-mail me in privacy at and let's get networking!
See Previews below.
MEN UNDER ASSAULT! Today's man is a very confused person, and he has a right to be. Once upon a time he had it all his way. It was a man's world. But the times they are a-changing....(See January 2007 archives to read more.)
DO WOMEN NEED MEN? So, Let's get right to our number one fear: Lesbianism. (See January 2007 archives to read more). SEXUAL HARRASMENT. A friend, a young woman, has just told me that she has lost her job because of the unrelenting pressure of a fellow worker who would not take No! for an answer, and I am really annoyed. (See February 2nd, 2007 post to read more). GARY AND JOAN RESPOND TO THE QUESTION, "DO WOMEN NEED MEN?" Please read what they have to say in the Feb. 5th post. We ask the question, "ARE YOU A NICE GUY?" Well, are You? Take the test in the Feb. 11th post. All about the magnificant HalleBerry in Feb. 16th post. See Feb. 19th for more readers responses to the question: Do Women need Men. How hard and cold can a heart be? See The Hard Hearted Hannah Award goes to....(Feb 24th) Are Two Heads always better than One? (March 3) A Complete Betrayal is a heartfelt plea for help. Can you assist us? (Mar 11) Rape! One of the most serious subjects there is. What do Women Want? Sigmind Freud couldn't figure it out, but I have. Humanity in Trouble! Read all about it! Men and Women in the Workplace! A place for mutual respect and sensitivity. Don't you agree? Every child has two parents, both equally as important. Fathers are Parents Too is a reminder of that. So, what about marriage? Is it a Modern-Day Anachronism? Is it still relevant? Infidelity! Big deal or no? When You're the Other Man! Not a comfortable position to be in... Life´s tough these days. It´s hard to know when you´re right or wrong. We have to learn "How to be a Gracious Guest." Why is it that it's always the wife to give the press statement in ¨"Infidelity II, The reality. We take a reality check in Fathers are Parents Too (II). If we really think about it we have to ask the question, Is there ever a legitimate place for infidelity in Modern Marriage? The topic of Rape is so important that I have re-published the piece to encourage rape survivors to write to me to help me understand your experience. Your identity is absolutely guaranteed. As unpleasent a thought it may be, we have to face the facts of Divorce. There is always a Driving Force behind Divorce. What exactly is an Annulment, and how does that work? What does It mean to be a Father, and does your child's mother know? With this post I begin a six-part series on Rape, which I have called The Chronicles of Rape. I hope to bring greater understanding of this, the most serious of social crimes. And now, to something different: Traditions and Customs with Who Giveth this Man to this Woman? The need to be ever vigilant never ceases with Love Scams. Divorce is such an ugly business, but Property Settlements can be even worse. The topic that occupies everyone in all languages, the disappearence of little Madeline McCann. He's the ultimate Bad Boy of America, O.J. Simpson. What about Customs? Does "Who Giveth this Man to this Woman?" sound right to you? E-Commerce, You & Me. Something a little different, but relevent. The oldest profession. But Prostitutes are People Too! Its the question of the ages: "What do people Want?" In my opinion this lady is definately The Wisest Woman who ever there Was. Down and down it goes, and where will it stop, no-one knows: Its the Diving Dollar. Why do we call certain babies Bastards? Good Question? Is your lovely Lady a Lunatic? We begin a three-part series on getting acquainted called How Nice to Meet You? It's a very complicated world in which we live. Consider A Question of Integrity! The Big Question is: "What do Men Want?" Starting a new series: Domestic Violence. Breaking the Circle of Violence.
The following titles are to be found in 2008 section.
Men who Hit. Why? Women who Hit. How crazy is That? Violence in the Home (III). Patricia's Story! Violence in the Home - Summary! How Nice to meet You (Part Three) How nice to meet you (Part IV) Unfortunately, More Violence in the Family. This week we look at BDSM. A brave other world. And now, The Swinging Lifestyle. In The News! Murder! Most foul. Falsely Accused, a horrible state of affairs. Who is the Thoroughly Modern Monica? Is it a House or a Home? Life! Sweet and Sour. Tolerating a lying, cheating, Scumbag Spouse. Integrity! Gotta have it. Love Games. The End of the World? Jealousy! The Maturing of America. End of the World-Part Two. Men for Sale. Nice Guys-Bad Boys. Obama's Big Risk. Psychological Abuse. Communicating. More Communicating - Part Two: Men and Women. Part Three. Part Four. Part Five-Listening. Part Six- Handling information. When Winter met Summer. Love Lost! Clearing Out! Secrets! Secrets II. The Media. The End of the World, Part Three. Good Operations. Whose Fault is it Anyway? Free at Last, Free at Last! What's wrong with America's Politics? Retail Therapy. The End of the World continues..We lose our collective mind. Cold Hard Cash. The Flying Iraqi Shoe Missiles. Don't Feel like singing Christmas Carols!
Goodbye 2008! (AND GOOD RIDDANCE!) Planning. Obama Time! President Barack Obama! Waiting to be Fired! Theft on Wall Street? The Happiest Couple in the World! Too Much! Black & White. Bad Decisions. The Lowest of the Low. Australia. I am not a Monster. More Bad News! One Solo Crane. The Times in which we Live. A New Kind of Super Hero. World Financial Crisis Solved! The Big Bang Noise of Peace! Growing Old, or simply growing older? When Life Sometimes Disappoints.I'm Shrinking! It's All an Illuision! Fear of Flying. The Relative Lottery. MJ Super Nova Star. Goodbye Michael Jackson. Family Visits. What sort of crime is This? The Professor and the Police. The Science of Shopping. The Professor and the Police II. Lazy Hazy Days of August. Sex Sells Everything! The Perfect way to relax. Colonies. SitComs. Double Standards. Recognizing your own limitations. Animal Husbandry. The President and the Nobel Peace Prize. Life can be Funny and Strange and Peculair. Emergency! Flying Naked. Life in a Wheelchair. The Enemy Within. Male Escorts. Heroes. Rape! Most Foul. Extra! Extra! Read all about It! Women climbing the Corporate Ladder. Season's Greetings! That Christmas Thing!
Happy New Year? Opera in Valencia. Why Haiti? The Case against the Successful Man.The case against the successful woman. Avatar.Interesting Laws. A Tiger's Apology. James Earl Jones. A Day at the Spa.
Sidney Poitier. Fallas. Health Care in The United States of America. Anita and Joanna. Rape as a Weapon of War. Rape as War.
My name is Eugene W. Carmichael. I was born before the World Wide Web was even an idea, on the beautiful island of Bermuda, located 650 miles (1,046 kilometres) off the American east coast of North Carolina in the Atlantic Ocean. Together with my two brothers and four sisters we grew up in near fantasy-like conditions. We had palms trees, crystal blue oceans and sunny skies, pink sandy beaches and loads of room to roam.
I have tried my hand at many things in my life, and currently I am a serious and syndicated columnist writing on lifestyle and motoring matters.