Bondage, Domination, & Sadomasochism
Upon having read Stephen King’s very excellent book, “Gerald’s Game” I found this to be an introduction to the very different world of Bondage. Basically the premise of the book is that Gerald takes his wife to their remote cottage in the woods, and he handcuffs her to the bed in the interests of fun sex play. We don’t get to share in what he had in mind because at that crucial moment, Gerald chooses to die, leaving his wife between a rock and a very hard place indeed.
But the story got me to thinking about a sub-world that does exist, providing a very different lifestyle from the norm. Firstly, I wondered about the person who permits himself or herself, indeed offers themselves to be totally incapacitated, in the interest of sexual game playing. I tried to look into the mind of such a person, and to ask why?
Presumably this is all in the pursuit of sexual thrills and the ever more elusive climax. Is it that when people allow themselves to be in such a position that something should happen that they would not otherwise permit. Such as some violation or outrageousness to take them to a place that they would not normally, and voluntarily go. Are they looking to be terrified and then brought back from the brink unharmed?
Right along with such a scene goes the question, “at what point does the action cross over into assault or rape?”
As long as I stayed with the submissive person I thought we were on fairly safe territory, at least from that person’s perspective, but what happens when we cross over to the one who wants to put you completely under their power? How well can the submissive person know the other person, because I really wonder what could be in the contemplation of such a person’s mind. If he or she wants the submissive completely helpless, rather than in a position of simple play-acting with an easy escape facility, what the hell could that person be planning?
While I make no judgements about such alternative lifestyles, other than they are not for me, I think it would be prudent for people who are intrigued and who may be thinking about getting into some of this action to get hold of some books on the topic and learn something about the lifestyle you may be entering.
For one thing, there’s a whole glossary to learn, and there are rules and approved conduct involved, such as “You can hurt, but you must not harm.” (How does that work?)
You might like to Google “Masters and Slaves” for a start. Be prepared for a real eye opener. I really would like to get into some details, but somehow I feel that I would be invading the privacy of the lifestyle in this column by doing so, without any real purpose.
Suffice it to say that these are consenting adults making free choices, and they seem to get something significant from the life. Even those people who contract themselves to a Master to be their slave on a 24/7 basis seem pleased to serve, and to give their gift, as they call it, to those who control them, so, who am I to be negative. A case of whatever turns you on, I suppose.
If you’re interested there are almost unlimited books to help introduce you to that special world. The important thing is to go in with your eyes wide open.
One more thing: Happy camping and Good Luck!
Copyright © 2008 Eugene Carmichael
Suffice it to say that these are consenting adults making free choices, and they seem to get something significant from the life. Even those people who contract themselves to a Master to be their slave on a 24/7 basis seem pleased to serve, and to give their gift, as they call it, to those who control them, so, who am I to be negative. A case of whatever turns you on, I suppose.
If you’re interested there are almost unlimited books to help introduce you to that special world. The important thing is to go in with your eyes wide open.
One more thing: Happy camping and Good Luck!
Copyright © 2008 Eugene Carmichael
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