I was in the midst of doing a simple task that we all must do, that being taking out the trash to the bins at the entrance to our estate. But on this day that simple task became overshadowed by a very disturbing incident that I would like to share with you, as it is definitely a cautionary tale.
What I observed was an attack in progress by a woman upon her male partner. I have no way of knowing what provoked it, but she was very belligerent in her verbal attacks. They had arrived in a van, and he had obviously stopped and got out to try and get away from her. Every time he took a step she was in his path and in his face. For his part, he was really enraging her by not engaging with her in the argument. He simply kept quiet and tried to walk away, but she was having none of it.
She started to demand that he give her the mobile phone. He then got back in the van and started to drive forward when she jumped in and started tearing the van to pieces. Anything that she could dislodge she ripped off and threw it out. He again stopped the van and got out and began to walk away, but he attempted to place a call. She simply went ballistic. It turned out that he was calling the police, and that’s when she got very physical, punching him, and scratching him.
She then tried to throw him to the ground, but the plan backfired when she missed her kick and lost her footing and down she went into the dirt. Now she became a screaming banshee, kicking, punching, throwing dirt at him, and yelling great obscenities, all of which drew a small group of spectators. A couple of people went to his aid, and for their efforts they attracted her venom.
Finally, there arrived a lone policeman in his car. Instead of calming her down she became even more outraged, flying at the policeman even before he got out of his car. He called for backup, and there came the Guardia Civil, who were left with no alternative but to forcefully put her in handcuffs and march her off to jail.
While I have no idea of what set her off, I take my hat off to her partner who was severely provoked to defend himself by striking back. However, therein lies the problem for a man: no matter how badly he is provoked by a woman, he cannot physically strike back, as he would were his attacker another man without drawing down the ire of the law that seems to hold that under no circumstances is a man justified by striking a woman.
This is an intolerable situation for men because there are many very capable women of inflicting great harm upon whomever they decide to hit. That a man is expected to stand there, as I watched the man who was attacked, and hold your arms out wide and let her rain down the blows, including scratching and kicking, drawing blood in the process is, in my view, taking the men-woman situation too far. Everyone is entitled to defend himself or herself.
The man in this tale never laid a hand on her in anger. He was a model of restraint, and took a severe beating from her. Let no one mistake her capability in causing pain and suffering. I happen to regard women as equal to men. If they do not have the natural upper body strength, there are other ways that they can do their damage.
By this piece, I pay homage to a man who, under very trying conditions set the example of how to deal with a situation of this magnitude. He had to be one in a million, as she was really demanding that he pop her one. Fortunately for him he didn’t, and the police could see that, and they congratulated him.
What would have been better is that the incident had not happened at all. It was one of the ugliest that I have seen in a long time. What I am particularly pleased about is that my suggestion to families is: Don’t Provoke, Don’t Hit! He was severely provoked, but he didn’t hit back. What I don’t know is what provoked her.
Copyright © 2008 Eugene Carmichael
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