Earthquake and Tsunami
I believe it may be correct to say that everyone in the world, who has access to a television, is in shock over images of the massive power of Mother Nature. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan is the very best documented by cameras of any major disaster, thanks to the Japanese obsession of recording everything on camera.
What I have seen is so overwhelming that it is impossible to find words to explain my reaction. However, I’m fairly certain that my response was universal, as I watched in horror, with mouth open, occasionally muttering “Oh….. My……. God!”
We have had two major events of a similar nature, one in Haiti, which was completely unprepared, and the other in Japan where earthquake readiness has been refined to a fine art. However, no-one can be prepared for a tsunami of the size and power of the one that rolled over Japan.
Tsunami: a Japanese word, literally meaning, “harbour wave” but in practise is a large destructive ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake.
Recently, I watched a documentary of the history of the world that was presented, I think, by National Geographic. It was truly interesting and very well done. It covered the various changes that the world has undergone since time began. The history of the world reflects the fact that there have been periods when The Sahara Desert was under water; of when mountains were under water, and flatlands became mountains through eruptions.
In the beginning all of the land mass was joined, and since then, through violent eruptions and movement the land was torn apart and moved thousands upon thousands of kilometres apart. Climate has gone through several cycles from ice age and heat. Whole species have been wiped out. From time to time certain species need to be culled as they place an over-bearing strain upon the earth’s resources. Mankind is doing just that as we speak.
What is clear is that Mother Nature decides to periodically change things around, as any good Administrator is inclined to do. In the early years the world was not very developed by man’s hand, and the changes that happened affected relatively few people. But, look at the world now. An earthquake of minimum proportions, or a hurricane impacts a lot of people. However, these changes are part of the constant evolution of the world. At the moment the cycle is Global Warming that many refuse to believe is happening.
The Japanese tragedy is a Triple disaster consisting of three principal earthquakes that happened simultaneously, followed by a catastrophic tsunami, and the icing on the cake: a full-scale nuclear meltdown. One day the people were celebrating life, and the next, without warning they were dead. My thoughts are with them and their survivors.
Warning! There is more to come at a location near you and me.
Copyright © 2011 Eugene Carmichael
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