Time for Privacy
The headline read: “Tiger Woods in Admission of Transgression Against Family!” In other words he was purportedly admitting to extra marital affairs.
America is a country where 16 million people have lost their jobs and cannot find more work. The economy is broken, banks have gone bankrupt, and continue to do so. America is fighting two wars that it desperately wants to disengage from, but cannot. The once mighty US Dollar is the poor man of the world. It is on its knees and is being stomped on by other currencies. The future holds possibly another war, with Iran and/or North Korea. America is steadily losing its position as global superpower and world leader.
America has more problems than it can possibly handle, and its people have more personal concerns for their survival today then they can digest. In this context the personal domestic problems of one small family over marital infidelity is simply not news. However, the US media will give more air time and column inches to the private problems of Tiger Woods and his family over the coming days and weeks and months than can be justified.
They will say that the people have a right to know. No! We the people don’t have any such right to know about things of this nature! It is simply no business of the people to know anything about the state of this family’s affairs. The media personalities who write and report on the problems of Tiger Woods, and other such celebrities don’t think the people need to know about their own business, nor should they. This is all about selling newspapers and ratings and pandering to our idle curiosity. Now we are hearing the incredibly stupid suggestion that Tiger Woods must go on The Oprah Show, and Larry King Live to confess all and beg for forgiveness from the nation. That is just about the sickest thing I have ever heard.
I know that other people have done such things. It was sick and stupid then, and it would be in this case.
Given the sheer number of women who would like to entertain this young man in their beds, it would be news if he were not having an affair. So, whether he is alleged to have acted inappropriately with one, or one hundred, my advice to the media is to leave these folks alone to work out their problems. It is an entirely private matter and it is the business of no-one else.
If the media really have to discuss something along these lines it can focus on the root causes that destroys so many marriages. The system is sick, and unfortunately no amount of discussion will make it well, however; when young women come forward claiming that “he promised me the world, and that he would leave his family, etc, etc” we need to boo them off the stage. In all too many cases the guy was a target of a designing woman, and that makes it very hard to stay focused.
Hands up those of you ladies who would like to entertain the president in your bedroom? See what I mean? He is a hard working-man who is keenly trying to do a good job, and you would desperately like to bring him down.
We men are so weak in the hands of women. We work hard and earn money, power and prestige, and we think that our package should contain more than we are permitted. There are some very firm borders that we must recognise, and to cross them is to be responsible for our own downfall. Perhaps there is also a line beyond which it doesn’t make sense to continue to drive ourselves so hard. When is enough, enough?
I wish Tiger Woods and his family all the best. Should his wife decide to leave him, my question is: For whom? I hope they do come to an agreement and he comes to his senses. After I close this I don’t want to hear another word about their private lives.
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael
The headline read: “Tiger Woods in Admission of Transgression Against Family!” In other words he was purportedly admitting to extra marital affairs.
America is a country where 16 million people have lost their jobs and cannot find more work. The economy is broken, banks have gone bankrupt, and continue to do so. America is fighting two wars that it desperately wants to disengage from, but cannot. The once mighty US Dollar is the poor man of the world. It is on its knees and is being stomped on by other currencies. The future holds possibly another war, with Iran and/or North Korea. America is steadily losing its position as global superpower and world leader.
America has more problems than it can possibly handle, and its people have more personal concerns for their survival today then they can digest. In this context the personal domestic problems of one small family over marital infidelity is simply not news. However, the US media will give more air time and column inches to the private problems of Tiger Woods and his family over the coming days and weeks and months than can be justified.
They will say that the people have a right to know. No! We the people don’t have any such right to know about things of this nature! It is simply no business of the people to know anything about the state of this family’s affairs. The media personalities who write and report on the problems of Tiger Woods, and other such celebrities don’t think the people need to know about their own business, nor should they. This is all about selling newspapers and ratings and pandering to our idle curiosity. Now we are hearing the incredibly stupid suggestion that Tiger Woods must go on The Oprah Show, and Larry King Live to confess all and beg for forgiveness from the nation. That is just about the sickest thing I have ever heard.
I know that other people have done such things. It was sick and stupid then, and it would be in this case.
Given the sheer number of women who would like to entertain this young man in their beds, it would be news if he were not having an affair. So, whether he is alleged to have acted inappropriately with one, or one hundred, my advice to the media is to leave these folks alone to work out their problems. It is an entirely private matter and it is the business of no-one else.
If the media really have to discuss something along these lines it can focus on the root causes that destroys so many marriages. The system is sick, and unfortunately no amount of discussion will make it well, however; when young women come forward claiming that “he promised me the world, and that he would leave his family, etc, etc” we need to boo them off the stage. In all too many cases the guy was a target of a designing woman, and that makes it very hard to stay focused.
Hands up those of you ladies who would like to entertain the president in your bedroom? See what I mean? He is a hard working-man who is keenly trying to do a good job, and you would desperately like to bring him down.
We men are so weak in the hands of women. We work hard and earn money, power and prestige, and we think that our package should contain more than we are permitted. There are some very firm borders that we must recognise, and to cross them is to be responsible for our own downfall. Perhaps there is also a line beyond which it doesn’t make sense to continue to drive ourselves so hard. When is enough, enough?
I wish Tiger Woods and his family all the best. Should his wife decide to leave him, my question is: For whom? I hope they do come to an agreement and he comes to his senses. After I close this I don’t want to hear another word about their private lives.
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael
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