Crimes against all the women of the World
Last week I wrote about Josef Fritzl, the monster of Austria, who dislikes being thought of as a monster for having enslaved his daughter for 24 years and keeping her as his sex slave. You will recall that he fathered 7 children with her, against her will. It seems that although I said that I was disgusted by his actions, I neglected to say how ashamed that made me feel as a man, that one of of "us" could be so low. Well, unfortunately, even before the ink had dried I got another chance to express my revulsion and to make up for my omission.
Austria may be glad to have some company in its misery, but Colombia, South America, have now reported that they have arrested their own monster for allegedly sexually abusing his daughter over a very long time, and in the process he has fathered eight children with her. The daughter is now 35 years of age, and her oldest child is 19, a shared fact with the Fritzl case.
The man, speaking in his own defence, said that the woman is not his biological daughter, but rather he and his now deceased wife adopted her. His daughter is adamant that he is her biological father.
Let me be clear: whether adopted or biological, there is no difference in so far as this crime is concerned. It is heinous and beyond the acceptable or understandable actions of man. The man who molests his own children is scum. He gives up his right to call himself a man, because other men cannot understand him, nor apologise for him. Indeed, he can no longer say that he is a decent human being. He moves down beyond the bottom dwellers. He cannot say that he lives with them because they have done nothing to be linked with him.
These kinds of actions, no matter how many more come to the surface, are so far outside respectable human behaviour that the individuals who commit them deserve our absolute scorn.
Much time and angst has been spent in trying to come up with an appropriate form of punishment/treatment to deal with these cretins. When last I wrote I said that I simply did not know what was the correct thing to do. Well, I now have a better idea.
Most men are motivated by our sexual urges. That’s how we are wired. We work hard to impress the women we find attractive, and all our efforts drive us to sexually mate with the women we find who inspire us. The kids and the mortgage and stressful job come as a surprise. I’m assuming that these men who take their daughters do so because of an inability to find satisfaction elsewhere. Should that be the case I have to assume there will be other cases in the future.
Rape, imprisonment, abduction, already have their punishment guidelines. What we need to do is beef up the response to this sort of incest. I am certain that within the boundaries of decent society’s conscience we can tolerate treating the attacker by having his penis reduced to a mere stump so that it can no longer be used for penetration purposes. Such an operation can be carried out with all proper conditions, and most likely doctors would not have a problem with it. After all, it does not contravene the Hippocratic oath to do no harm, as the doctor will be safeguarding society and the individual himself.
I also believe that the men themselves would possibility agree to such a procedure. The one thing that is apparent is that when found out these men go into a super sense of shame. We saw how Josef Fritzl hid his face, even though it was already so well known. Some people who commit certain types of crime actually hope to be caught and stopped.
And now, a word to the women of the world: The vast majority of men are decent people who are as outraged as you must be by the telling of these tales. We do not understand such individuals who commit such outrage against women, nor can we condone in any way their actions. We find ourselves constrained by the natural justice guidelines, beyond which we will not go. This is not a time to lose faith and to think that the world is going to end in a cesspool of depravity because all the men have gone mad. However, what this does tell us is that there are a few men who are capable of taking their sickness into new frontiers. There would be nothing wrong with bearing that in mind and acting accordingly.
What do you think?
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael
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