First I came upon the above picture, and I vowed that I would have to write a story to suit the picture. Then, a friend sent me one of those stories that have been forwarded around the world several times. It fits my picture, and just in case you are one of those people who have not had it show up on your computer, here goes:
In our busy society we are finding it more difficult to take the time necessary to find a mate, so we use on-line dating services of all sorts. Well, of course, it had to happen sooner or later that someone would come up with a supermarket that sold potential husbands.
There were strict instructions posted at the entrance:
1. You may visit this store only once. There are six floors, and the value of the merchandise increases as the shopper goes up.
2. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next level, but you may not go back down, except to exit the store.
So, because she was so busy, Sheila went shopping for a husband. She checked out the merchandise on the first floor.
These men have jobs.
She went up to the next floor.
Second Floor: These men have jobs and love children.
And on she went to the next.
Third Floor: These men have jobs, love children, and are very good looking.
She kept going.
Fourth Floor: These men have jobs; love children, are seriously good looking, and help with housework.
She hesitated, but continued on up.
Fifth Floor: These men have jobs, love children, are real hunks, help with housework and are strongly romantic and caring.
What is she looking for? You would think it must surely be on this floor. She considers, but then she just has to see what’s on the next floor.
Sixth Floor: There are no men for sale on this floor. It only exists to prove the point that women are never satisfied. The store is yet to sell it first take-home husband.
To be politically correct, the owners also opened a store across the street where men could shop for a wife. Same rules apply.
First floor: All the wives on this floor just love to have sex.
Second floor: These wives love sex, and as well are all independently wealthy.
Floors Three through Six have never been visited.
Men are so simple and uncomplicated.
I offer my thanks to the creator of this funny story. I liked it a lot and hope you got a laugh as well, although some things that are funny are also too true.
Copyright © 2008 Eugene Carmichael
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