Lately, I have been investigating the wonderful world of e-commerce. I was compelled into doing so because I came across an offer from a young man called Jon Davies who offered me the opportunity of giving away his ebook, "Income4Beginners," with the promise that I might make $40 each time I did. Jon has a fully automated website up in which he discusses the merits of e-commerce in a free ebook, and he also promotes a product package, the fundamentals of what you need to know to pursue an on-line income, which is, of course, the Holy Grail. Wouldn't we all like to earn money while we sleep?
It's the product package that is for sale for $40.00 that could make me that afore-mentioned income, just for giving away the free ebook to anyone who will accept it. If the person to whom I give the ebook simply reads it and does not go on to buy the product package, then that's the end of it. However, the product package is good solid stuff, as I can testify to that as I read through it. I am finding it quite helpful.
The part that is difficult to believe is that Jon offers to replace his purchase button, putting my name in his place. The customer buys the package and I get the money. Jon gets no part of that transaction. He says he is doing it because he wants to establish his name as the most well known on the internet as a nice guy.
Well, I'm sure that's partly true. But that's not the only reason he's doing it. However, when you "sell" the product the money does come to you. That much is true and correct. And the information that the customer gets is quite extraordinary: You get 18 ebooks on how to build an internet business, plus various software. This is not cutting edge stuff, but good basic knowledge. He also follows up with helpful advice in marketing.
The problem here is that most folks are put off because they cannot figure out what his ulterior motives are. Why he doesn't just come right out and tell us, I don't know, because they are really not bad.
This is what is simply known as Virual Marketing: How to get your website in fron t of as many people on the Web in the shortest amount of time.
What is happening here is simply a form of traffic generation. On the Internet, you could have the best idea since sliced bread, and a beautifully designed website to explain it, but in the very crowded marketplace that is the Internet, if you don't work out a way to get traffic to come to your website, yours will be the best kept secret in the world.
Same for convential business: unless you get people passing your shop, and coming into your shop your sales will be zero. So, what Jon is doing is having people like me find people to put his website in front of, and on the website, there are other sales opportunities for which he gets the income. For doing that, my "commission" is the $40.00 That seems perfectly fair to me.
There are so many people hawking ideas on the Internet that suggests that you can make a massive amount of income in "fifteen minutes." What nonsense! These people are not being honest with you, and if they would lie right from the start I don't think you have the foundation to ever believe anything they say. Here's the basic premise, and it applies to all forms of commerce: one party has to have a product or service that members of the public want and/or need, and they, the public must be willing to purchase said product or service from you, and to pay you good money for it.
Unless you find a niche market and can make yourself known to them, nothing is going to happen. Herein lies the rub. The e-commerce field is the most crowded of all. Everybody is trying to sell something. That there are success stories aplenty is not in dispute, but like any business it takes time to establish yourself. You also need to do the leg work; to put in the necessary preparation, planning, and to sweat the details.
One of the most successful e-commerce sites is, of course Ebay. But it didn't happen overnight for them, and its not going to go ballistic for you, at least not right away. So, if you are a Newbie and you've wondered what this is all about, dial up my website and go have a peek. I'm at
http://ewc-creativesolutions.com/ Let me know what you think of my website, and if you have any questions you can come back to me at eugene.spain@gmail.com and we'll work on it together.
Good Luck!
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