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- ▼ 2014 (49)
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
The Bermuda Triangle Christmas Tree
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Christmas in The Bermuda Triangle is very different! |
My two favourite Jamacians, Clyde and Dudley were smoking their daily gigantic spliff, when as usual, one of them started with, "you know mon, I been tinking." These two genuises come up with all manner of bizarre ideas, including the one about Jamaica sending a Toboggan team to the Winter olympics.
It was Clyde who said to Dudley that he was thinking that they should gatheer together a great big shipment of marijuana, because as he put it, "It God's own Herb, mon, and we could ship it to Bermuda 'n sell it fer top dollar." "Good idea Clyde, mon, but how ve ship it?" "In one of dem dere ocean going fancy yachts in the bay tied only wif a piece of string."
And that's exactly what our two heroes did. They slipped out to sea in the still of a moonless night aboard a luxury yacht that they had borrowed, headed due north, destined for Bermuda. However, predictably, after only three days at sea a storm arose. A really big storm that whipped up waves three, four, five stories high. Suddenly the yacht rose upon a rogue wave that carried it ten stories high, then the wave rolled and broke leaving the yacht with nothing under her, so she dove by her nose, straight down into the trough where she hesitated only for a short momnt before continuing straight down.
Clyde and Dudley were astounded as they lay in the fetus position in the cabin with their mouths open, forgetting to breathe. All was quiet until they felt a gentle bump as the yacht settled on the bottom.
"Dudley, what hoppened, man?" "Me no know, Clyde!" "Come, let we go outside and see what happening."
It didn't occur to either man that they were speaking and breathing normally at the bottom of the sea. They had landed in the Bubble at the Bottom of The Bermuda Triangle Sea.
Suddenly, Clyde spotted a light off in the distance. "Dudley, vat dat dere light, you see it mon?" "Seen, mon. Come let ve go and investigate!"
As they drew nearer the light they could see humans, one looked very much like King Neptune with a crown on his head and a Trident in his hand, and all. King said, "Welcome boys, how much ganja you bring me?"
"Eh, eh!" both of our heroes said at the same time. "Never mind," said King, "my men are offloading her right now."
It was then that Clyde spotted the oddest thing. It appeared to be a huge christmas tree off in the distance. It was so colourful and really big. "Vat dat, Mr King, mon, vat a christmas tree doing down ere?
"Well that is the answer to the greatest mystery the world has ever known, and it's here in the Bermuda Triangle for anyone who wants to drop in for a chat. That, my lads, is a mountain made up of every sock that ever went missing from washing machines around the world. It looks like a tree so I call it my Bermuda Triangle perpeptual Christmas Tree. Beautiful, don't you think?
"Rastafari" yelled Clyde. "Rastafari, indeed," said Dudley. "Mon, I no smoke de ganja no more. It making life too veird!"
From Clyde, Dudley and myself, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and prosperity throughout 2015. If Christmas is not your ting then we hope that you celebrate the end of 2014 in good health, and may good health bless us all for many more years to come.
"Ya Mon!"
Copyright (c) 2014 Eugene Carmichael
Sunday, December 14, 2014
What the world needs more of is Goodwill
Monday, December 8, 2014
Bill Cosby: They want you to drink that special Kool-Aid
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Hell hath no fury like a royally pissed-off woman!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The Censor
Saturday, November 15, 2014
This is not a rant. Honest!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
And the Oscar goes to:............Jail!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
The BBC's 100 Women (and men) Conversation about World Sexism
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Bermuda takes a One-two Punch, and survives!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Ebola: Our Obligations
Sunday, October 5, 2014
What is Ebola?
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Our Ever Evolving World!
![]() | This browser address will take you to a video entitled "The World is Changing:" In fact ever since The Big Bang the world has never stopped changing. If we, as people, do not change with the world we simply get left behind. This is about the changes that overcome cultures. Allegedly, mankind began in Africa. One village would invade another, killing all the men and taking the women and cattle for themselves. Europe got in on the act and colonised other people's countries, and boasted about it; such as the sun never sets on our empire. A recent study took note of the modern changes that are taking place. The study noted that for a country to maintain its culture it has to first ensure that its bloodline is reproduced at a minimum rate of 2.11 children per couple. Less than that and the country's bloodline will fall behind and never be able to be brought back. With this in mind the study noted the following: France has an average birth rate of only 1.8 children per couple. England's rate is 1.6 Greece and Germany's rates are 1.3 each. Italy stands at 1.2 Spain, a Catholic country only reproduces children at 1.1 per couple. The average for all of the 31 countries of Europe is only 1.38 However, the study noted that population growth in all the above countries has been increasing due to much needed immigration. The principal immigrant is a Muslim. The fertility rate within the Muslim community is quite vigorous, simply because of their lifestyle. For instance, it appears that while France's own fertility rate stands at 1.8, the Muslims within France are reproducing at a rate of 8.1 per couple. The simple mathematics lead us to expect that by 2025 France will be an Islamic republic. In fact, if there is no change, by 2025 one-third of all children born in Europe will be Muslims. That will mean goodbye to Europe as we know it. As far as religion is concerned, the Catholic church has noted that Islam have drawn equal with more or less the same number of members, but that in only five to seven years Islam will be the dominant world religion. That is being achieved without guns. That is simply the result of each couple getting busy in bed. I have no doubt that Islam would like to have a dominant position throughout the world. I also think that the Chinese would like the same thing. We certainly can observe this happening in an economic way. It gets especially interesting when a Chinese person is also a Muslim. So, perhaps we need to be nicer to our future rulers. At present countries are demanding that certain Muslim customs are not to be allowed within Europe. Whose country is this anyway? Evolution suggests that the answer to that question is only temporary! Copyright (c) 2014 Eugene Carmichael |
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The Sex Biz
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Doing what you have to do! Saving Ashya.
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The Medical Establishment is Goliath |
Little Ashya is a young boy with a very big problem. His parents felt that the NHS of the U.K. were limited in what they could do, and in fact they might have effectively dealth with the original problem, but that they most probably would have caused an even worse permanent result due to collateral side-effect damage.
The parents were desperate. Do you simply stand back and wait while the system carries on to the inevitable, or do you spring into action to seek a better option even though the hospital will not give you assistance to do so?
The problem with fighting the medical establishment is that the medical personnel are the ones who have put in the time on their studies; they have made the personal sacrifices and run up huge outstanding loans, and they have made the oath to do no harm. On the basis of that alone we must assume that they intend the best outcome for the patient, yet time and again they bury their mistakes. It's called practising medicine for good reason. The human body is so complex that the practise of medicine is not yet a precise science.
In the pursuit of finding a better option for their son, their travels brought them to Spain to liquidate some property to get money. While they were here, the Spanish police acted on a warant issued by the public prosecutions office in the U.K. The parents were arrested in Malaga and taken to Madrid and locked up for three days. They were travelling with Ashya and all five of his brothers and sisters. Ashya wa placed in the care of an hospital while his parents were taken away. How terrifying must that have been for him.
It has been reported that the oldest of the children was fifteen, and that he was put in charge of looking after his siblings. I sincerely hope that was not the case because at age fifteen he would not have been old enough to legally discharge that responsibility.
Finally common sense prevailed and the parents were set free and off they went to Prague where they were promised a better outcome. We will see.
There are a lot of people who stood in the way of these very caring and loving parents in obtaining the best possible treatment, in their opinion, for their son. They may have got it wrong, but in any event it does bring into very sharp review a parent's rights in medical emergencies.
This is an ethical and a moral quagmire, but one in which we all have an opinion. So far,in this case the authorities are on the losing side in the court of public opinion.
Copyright (c) 2014 Eugene Carmichael
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Sweetest Sounding Words to all of Mankind!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
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One of the most important company logo's of our time and for the future! It was in 2010 that I presented my ideas for what was needed to dig our way out of the economic meltdown the world had found itself in, while giving a speech to Toastmasters in Spain. In all my years I had never lived through such an ecomonic mess, so it occurred to me that whole new methods of revenue sourcing had to be found. No longer could we rely on the usual system of recovery to get us back on track. Almost predictably it was the United States of America that produced the radical thinking necessary, and as a result there are several ideas that have evolved. The one that I find most useful is that from Forever Green, a Wellness company of Utah. That company has devised a pain relief product that it calls the Power Strip, which is a patch that the person suffering from muscle aches, strains and pains, back pains, cramps, etc, applies to that part of the body that is generating the pain. Within 48 hours we have found the pain to have disappeared, although it starts to work immediately it is attached. There is a business opportunity attached to the product that offers the individual to act as promotores of the product. Just as George Clooney has been principal promotor for Nespresso since 2006, having earned a reputed $40 million during that time for that purpose, now individuals can take on a career as promotores, acting through word of mouth and person to person contact to market the product direct to consumers. That is an old idea, networkmarketing, that for most people doesn't work all that well. The problem being that the salesperson has to go out and find buyers, who once they have bought the product take their own sweet time before they may want to buy again. There is usually a lot of time and effort generated in moving product this way. It is often decided that its just not worth it. However, in the case of FGXpress Power Strips the individual does not have to sell the product, they only have to sell the idea. What a difference that makes! There are a few ways to approach the FGXpress opportunity. (a) An individual could look at it simply from the potential to himself for generating an income; (b) It could be seen as a wonderful opportunity to assist people with pain to find relief using all natural ingredients without having to swallow pills; or (c), the approach I favour most, being that I have the facility to bring relief of physical pain, but also of financial pain to potenially so many people. Here in Spain the economic recession still is having a dire effect on millions of people. For so many to take up the invitation to act as promoters is their only way out. So, that is what I am doing. I am working with groups of people who really need this opening to get out from under the burdens they are suffering. As well, I am working with people for whom another revenue stream would be nice, but to help people dig themselves out from the quagmires they find themselves in is true satisfaction. I invite you to find out more by visiting and then visit my webpage, and join us. I apologise for the commercial but you have to understand that I am so excited about the potential rewards of salvaging families from the wreckage of financial disaster that I came out of retirement at age 75 to get involved. It's definately worth it! Copyright (c) 2014 Eugene Carmichael |
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Never judge a book by its Cover
Sunday, August 17, 2014
There are no STOP signs in Amsterdam!
Sunday, August 3, 2014
The Joy of Normal
Sunday, July 27, 2014
MH 370 and MH 17
The politics surrounding the Crimea and Ukraine are complex. These countries are neighbours to Russia with significant numbers of Russians living within. The Ukraine has long lived in close cooperation with Russia, but then, someone had the bright idea that the Ukraine should turn more toward the West. Evidently, the president of the country received a severe warning from Russia, and so he tried to turn the country back towards Russia. The people had other ideas leading to his fleeing office and opening the way for Putin to move in. It is clear that the pro-Russia support are Russian military in civilian uniforms using whatever they need from Russia. Putin will not be satisfied until The Ukraine is fully in the hands of Russia, just as is the case with the Crimea.
But, what does all that have to do with overflights by commercial airlines? The first question in my mind was: what was MH 17 doing overflying a conflict zone where live ammo was in use? Apparently it was thought safe to do so as other airlines commonly did, because the conflict was on the ground and localized. It is hard to see why the equipment was brought into place to deliberately knock down the next commercial flight, and then, like the rats they are, they hurried to run away with the evidence to show who did it.
Fast forward to the day when Russia simply annexes The Ukraine and all the killing ends. Will Russia simply expect to resume its place in the league of nations as though nothing had happened? Probably, but that cannot happen, which is very dangerous because if such a major country is to be shunned they may decide, "in for a penny, in for a pound," and do something even more reckless in their adventurisim.
This was started by the ordinary citizen who wanted a better life with the West, which is understandable if you are from the West. However, mass movements against the government always lead to death and destruction in the first place, with the hope that the light down the tunnel will turn out to be the bright glare of the sun. All too often its a speeding train coming your way.
Two hundred and ninety-eight innocent people have lost their lives, leaving unspeakable suffering among families all over the world. Observers everywhere can't help but feel the sadness and the weight of the loss. For one thing, it is only through the luck of the draw that we are the observers.
To the families please know that we feel your pain, and like you we cannot see any common sense in such a reckless and heinous act. We can only hope that those responsible will get theirs.
Copyright (c) 2014 Eugene Carmichael
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Parrot of Pedralba
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