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Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Case against the Successful Woman

The Case against the Successful Woman

This is being written by a man, so it’s already a given that my impression will be subject to debate and feedback by women readers. However, it does seem to me that life is a great deal more difficult for the woman executive than it is for men. Some of the challenges are strictly gender based. These present problems that have limited options.

Life is without so many hurdles for men that quite naturally exist for women. First, there is the presumption that business is a man’s world. It is not, but so many people hold the prejudiced view that it is a world where white men have some special divine right to function. When others try to enter all manner of barriers are placed in their way.

This is not to say that if you are a white male you will automatically have a guaranteed smooth ride. You won’t! But banks seem to feel more at ease when the person sitting in front of them is a white male. They don’t have to think about possible pregnancies in the case of a white woman, nor do they have to think about the problems a black male will encounter that are of a special nature. The black female presents a unique set of problems to her banker, yet given a chance the black female can achieve wonders. I only have to say “O” for you to know what I mean.

The constant problem faced by most females is that of her biological clock, and the need to have at least one child in the furtherance of the human race. She can deny this only for so long until the alarm sounds and makes focusing on any thing else very difficult. Most women in high-powered positions have their children early in life or very late in life. In the marketplace they constantly have to weigh the offer of a promotion against the need to start a family.

As men in charge of companies we say we understand the need of the family, just don’t be a female executive of the company who becomes pregnant. Enter the glass (invisible) ceiling that so many women encounter on their march up the corporate ladder.

Then there is the attitude of so many men that is hostile against women who dare to enter what they consider their arena. Consequentially the battle against sexual discrimination in the workplace rages on. This is patently unfair, and far too many men have to be held accountable for their stupidity. It just shouldn’t happen, especially when often the offending person is the very one who should be protecting the workforce.

Life is especially difficult for the young woman who studied hard and acquired a good education. Perhaps she had the children early in life, and as part of her ambition went back to school and reinvented herself for the world of high finance. The problem is she is married to a simple man who is a tradesman. He sees her efforts as being an attempt to pull away from him and out of desperation he tries to sabotage her.

This almost never happens in the case of the man who tries to better himself. His wife can usually be counted on to support him.

In the workplace she might encounter a problem in directing the workforce if there are men involved. She shouldn’t have a problem of this nature and if she gets the type of support from management that she should, it will be a short-lived one. But men never even have to consider this a probability.
Lastly, but certainly not the least of her problems is that she brings sex into the office when she comes, simply because she’s a woman. Hopefully she doesn’t intend to do this, but every man will notice her every day of the week. We notice what she wears, how she smells, how she walks, we notice her jiggly bits, and what she says and how she says things. That is because she’s a woman and we men are absolutely fascinated.

That may all be very well, so long as none of those things are held against her. However, in far too many cases a woman will make the fatal mistake of entering into a romantic relationship with a co-worker. She will almost always be the one to bear the worst of such a mistake. Whether he is a man on her own level, or worse from the higher levels she is best advised to stay well clear.

In short, I imagine that being a woman in business is never easy. What I am unable to imagine is just how hard it can be.

Copyright © 2010 Eugene Carmichael

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Case Against the Successful Man

Business Success has its Price

I feel certain that there must be a great number of happy and successful businessmen in the world who probably have no real problems to complain about. For this I am happy and I wish them all well. However, we are hearing more stories about when things go wrong, and when they do go wrong, because of who the principals are, the results tend to be spectacular.

Joe, The Plumber, and all of his tradesmen colleagues are engaged in honourable work, and if they do their work well and earn good reputations, I’m sure that they are able to generate good incomes that they can use to put their children through higher education, and that they can also use for a comfortable way of life. In many ways they have the perfect situation.

When we move up the ladder to the corporate executive level we begin to enter dangerous waters and our focus can start to waver. For so many years the storyline has involved the executive, his wife and his secretary. Could that be because he is a man who wears the hallmark of success of money and power that either he deliberately uses to impress young women, or that his image is naturally very impressive to females who are attracted as if they are moths to the light?

First I have to admit that we men have met the enemy, and it is us! It seems that once we have power, and money to finance our dreams, women automatically enter into the picture. Beautiful cars and wonderful yachts always have beautiful single babes attached to them. Where are the wives in all of this?

It does amaze me how men (always) get caught out in the silly little games they play, and are astonished to have been found out. If you are a young woman and are proposed to by a successful man, you really do need to ask yourself how will you handle things when the other women come chasing your husband. The one thing that you can be sure of is that they will come a-chasing.

To be a man and to stand strong against your own basic nature must surely be the test of all time. The more rich and famous you are, the more gorgeous the girls will be. It will be they who approach you, and they will be at their very best. We have discovered, perhaps, much to our surprise, that women have agendas and criteria too regarding their sex lives. We have always known that women like to enjoy sex. We have worked hard to ensure that it was good for them too. But women can play “notches on the bedpost” as well as men.

What is really so wrong with a woman being able to reflect over her life and recite a number of rich and famous names who she entertained in her bed? Men don’t do that. For us she only has to move and we’re up for it. But for many women it is important to be discerning. The mere fact that the men are married need not factor in at all.

As a married man, unless your wife has agreed that you can have love relationships with other women, then it is simply wrong and you are not allowed to touch. The minute you do so you are on that slippery slope, and your wife will find out because the girl will tell her. The solution could be the Swinging Scene, but use caution as this is not for the faint of heart.

As a married man, if you insist on having it all, you will come to discover (as so many others before you have done) that you will have to pay out substantial portions of your hard earned wealth to your ex-wife(s). Naturally you won’t mind at all spending this money on your wife and family as an intact unit, but it starts to become burdensome when you are apart.

What you really need to be is a single rock star, playing gigs all round the world. If your music is good your groupies will be waiting for you to keep you warm in the night. Then you have fame, power, money, women, and adulation from both men and women. What more could you ask for? The incredible answer from many of these guys is “someone to love me and to make a home for me.” Why have so many of the top names married when their lives are a buffet of women? Why has Hugh Hefner, the original Playboy married several times? Life really is funny and confusing.

Getting back to Joe, the Plumber, the chances are that the babes will leave him alone to stay focused on the things in life that are important. However, given the kind of money these guys can generate you never can tell.

It’s just a suggestion, but pre-nuptial agreements should perhaps be broadened to include language that says that this agreement allows for me to have other lovers in my life while maintaining a marriage with you. But remember, that can work both ways.

Copyright © 2010 Eugene Carmichael

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why Haiti?

Why Haiti?

Haití must surely be the most miserable place on the face of the earth. The people of Haiti began life as runaway slaves. There was nothing wrong with that, neither at the time nor in these modern days. They were simply poor, uneducated people who had enough sense to know that to live in bondage was wrong. They simply answered the call for freedom.

Their leaders have either been despicable dictators or ineffectual in leading the country out of poverty and into a modern form of democracy. The thing that Haitians seem to understand best is death, for death is ever present. It is visited upon them by their leaders or by one another. The rest of the Western world have taken a blind eye to Haiti that allowed them to make their mistakes and to stand or fall by their own actions.

Enter Mother Nature. When everyday living is a disaster the last thing you need are the disasters that come from hurricanes. Haiti has never actually fully recovered from the very first massive hurricane because the country gets hit so often and so very hard.

And now it has taken a knock out punch. An earthquake so powerful that was almost off the scale has flattened the country and killed probably more than 100,000 people. It’s just not possible to get one’s mind around that. This could be absolutely the worst thing that ever happened to Haiti, or perhaps it could be the best thing if Western nations hear the wake-up call to stop ignoring the country’s plight and take an active and sustainable interest to bring those people a step closer to the 21st century.

If you dedicate any part of your day to prayer, then please include the people of Haiti in your supplications. They need all the help that they can get.

Copyright © 2010 Eugene Carmichael

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Opera in Valencia

The Most Famous Opera House in the World: Sydney, Australia

On December 30th, 2009, my wife gave us a rare treat in the form of a night out at the opera in Valencia. It was a very enjoyable evening as “Madame Butterfly” unfolded before us on the stage of the purpose-built Valencia Opera House.

Madame Butterfly is not a mystery so therefore I will not spoil it for anyone if I outline the plot. The story is set in Japan many years ago. The two principal characters are Madame Butterfly, of course, and Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton, a navy man.

While on shore leave he meets and falls madly in love with the very young Cio-Cio San, (Madame Butterfly), and against the advice of the U.S. Counsel and all of her family and friends, they marry. He then rejoins his ship and is away for three years. While he is away he fails to maintain contact and he does not know that she has,
(a) delivered them a son, and,
(b) remains steadfastly true to him and desperately in love with him.
(c) Finally, his ship returns to Japan and she looks forward in seeing him again. However, he has a nasty surprise in store in that he has bigamously married an American woman who is there in his company. His new wife asks that she be allowed to take the boy with her to America, and although it is agreed, Madame Butterfly falls on her sword.

I don’t know much about opera but I suspect that one does not exist that has a happy ending. This one is curious in that it makes the Americans the villains of the peace in a very significant manner. And is even more significant given the era in which it was written. I have no idea of how well it is received in America, but around the rest of the world it is a very important and popular work.

It was my very first visit to an opera in Spain. The only other opera that I visited was Lucia di Lammermoor that I saw at the Paris Opera House in1963. I sat in student seats wearing jeans and paid a discount price for my ticket. The Valencia Opera House is truly an imposing building, but not a perfect edifice. I think that they have done well with the space but there are some things that can be criticised. Firstly, it is a building without its own parking.

If you are transported by your driver this is not a problem for you personally. Most people have to save up for such a night out, and we have to drive ourselves. The entrance level is a flight and a half up from street level. Cars can discharge their passengers in a semi-circle temporary stopping place, then we have to climb all those stairs to arrive at the entrance level.

Your car will then have to drive about a full kilometre to get into the parking lot of the science and arts building next door. Then comes a very long walk that takes nearly ten minutes before reaching the stairs to get to the upper level. I was hobbling with my damaged leg and my walking stick. Much to my delighted surprise there was a young man with a wheel chair waiting to offer me a lift. That was a very nice touch, even though I didn’t accept. I should have!

The walkway was very spacious and could be used for parking. The surface is dangerous for ladies walking in high heels as the grouting between the bricks has broken away leaving many holes to be avoided. This is correctable of course, and should be attended to without delay.

Between intense traffic encountered along the way and problems getting parked we arrived at the entrance with two minutes to spare. That was not helped by the fact that once the patron is on the entrance level and begins the walk along the concourse what we are faced with is the back of the building. We have to walk to the other side to reach the entrance.

We sat down with less than two minutes to spare. The program is completely computer-controlled. At precisely eight o’clock the doors are closed and the lights are lowered and the performance begins. I’m very glad I don’t know what happens to you should you arrive one minute late. I’m sure that it happens.

Two other minor comments: the most convenient toilets only serve two or three persons at a time, and in the performance itself I was disappointed that having given us the illusion of water, one of the actors walked upon it. His name was not Jesus.

My observations of the physical design faults should not discourage you from a visit to the opera. It is high theatre, impeccably presented. Madame Butterfly is wonderful. Enjoy!

Copyright © 2010 Eugene Carmichael

Friday, January 1, 2010

¿Happy New Year?

Warmest Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

At the end of 2007 all who knew me wished me a Happy 2008. As we remember that year was bloody awful in general terms, but for those of us who retained our good health and our economic status, more or less, we can probably admit that we were happy-ish during 2008. As a general comment on that year my final blog was entitled “Goodbye 2008 and Good riddance.”

Then came 2009 and the worldwide misery grew by a quantum leap. We wished family, friends and co-workers a Happy New Year while crossing our fingers. Now, the question is put: did you have a happy-ish 2009?

Spain is absolutely drenched in economic woes. The unemployment rate stands at a staggering near 20% of all adults of working age. Schools continue to graduate students into the workplace where there are no jobs awaiting them. Just when these young people are panting to get started to experience their independence they have nowhere to go. They are all dressed up and everything is shut.

In the United States there are more than sixteen million jobless people, many of whom are seeing their unemployment benefits cease. The loss of homes, cars, private education, and health care benefits are commonplace. There is not much happiness in that scenario. We would have to dig real deep to find anything that we could say qualifies as a happy-ish event. For those families that are still intact, that is something very important to be happy and thankful about. For children whose education has not been interrupted through having been taken out of private school, that is something else for joy.

Losing a family member to death will usually be cause for sadness, even when the event is perfectly normal as in the case of the elderly. However, putting that natural part of the life cycle to one side everybody will have their own take on what the year has meant. Happiness, which most of us have difficulty in defining, needs to be re-defined, and possibly downgraded. We are living through one of the most trying times in the history of the world.

Looking back over 2009 it certainly had its ups and downs. However, for my family and myself, we think that this year has treated us fairly well. We didn’t win the lottery, but we have our health and strength. Our son has been away in Australia finding his own independence, and for the first Christmas we have been apart. My wife and I have discovered each other all over again and we feel more in love than ever. So, in spite of 2009 being the year when the sky fell on the earth we can say that your wishes to us for a Happy 2009 were realised.

It’s time once again to look forward to the New Year, all 365 days of it. For you we firstly wish that you all will have good health. That’s Number One. Following that we hope that 2010 will deliver a steady stream of good news and rising expectations throughout each and every day.

Happy New Year!

Copyright © 2010 Eugene Carmichael